Novalawcity is a service of the librarians at the Shepard Broad Law Center at Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, FL.
Novalawcity focuses on legal research tips, new legal resources, technology, law school survival advice, and legal news, especially news from Broward county and Florida. Other items we post include our law journal contents, Law Center news, and events of local interest.
We welcome your comments and suggestions.
Current bloggers include:
Stephanie Hess, Asst. Head of Technical Services for Acquisitions and Serials
hesss at
Robert Hudson, Head of Public Services and Adjunct Professor of Law
hudsonr at
Deborah McGovern, Reference, Electronic, & Instructional Services Librarian
mcgovernd at
Mary Paige Smith, Associate Director for Technical Services
smithm at
Previous bloggers:
Melanie Putnam, Reference & Electronic Services Librarian
Meg Kribble, Emerging Technologies, Reference, & Instructional Services Librarian