Here at NSU Law, students are required to have laptop computers. Entering 1Ls will be picking theirs up tomorrow, so this new resource is timely.
OnGuardOnline, sponsored by the FTC, is a site that "provides practical tips. . . .to help you be on guard against Internet fraud, secure your computer, and protect your personal information." Mission: Laptop Security is a full page dedicated to tips for keeping your laptop physically safe. Among them:
- Treat it like cash.
- Get it out of the car...don’t ever leave it behind.
- Keep it off the floor...or at least between your feet.
- Don’t leave it “for just a sec” matter where you are.
Check out the page for more tips and more details. There's even a "Mission: Laptop Security" game to play to see how much you know.
Don't forget to keep your anti-virus files current as well!
Tip: BeSpacific.