Posted: May 12, 2010
If you’re job hunting you’re surely aware of the most egregious and common no-nos: showing up for the interview ten minutes late; answering your phone during the interview; handing over a resume riddled with typos; using a silly-sounding E-mail address; failing to demonstrate you’ve researched the employer; bad-mouthing your last boss; neglecting to follow up. You’re not doing any of that, are you? Of course not.
But you may not have considered some of the less-discussed, under-the-radar issues. Give this list a look and ask yourself, "Do any of these sound like me?"
1. You have unreasonable expectations.
2. You’re relying too much on one search technique.
3. You use the word “I” too often in your cover letter.
4. You are not demonstrating long-term potential.
5. You are unknowingly repeating mistakes.
6. You have not rehearsed.
7. You put your job search on hold while waiting to hear back.
See Karen Burns' entire post on the US News & World Report Careers Page, which you will find at this link: US News & World Report